Sunday 29 July 2012

Fish Out Of Water!

It  was  around  12  am when I got my first offer letter.Six months training at Mysore.
I was totally bewildered. I didn't expect it this soon..Couldn't sleep that night.
What would it be like ???? Corporate life .. and me??What can an instrumentation 
Engineer do in an IT Company..??Its high time I answer that question..Well, convincing
my parents to let me accept the job was one thing...but now i gotta convince myself.
Typical mallu girl that I am...It was harder convincing the relatives than my parents..

The preparations began..The best part was the shopping.. Lets face it.Am a girl..
born shopaholic ..Can't help it.I had a weird feeling that I am gonna be the "behenji" 
with those salwars,coconut oil(didn't I mention "mallu"?..goes with it!)for my hair , pickles(touchings..!!),chutney powder(for god's sake Mom, No...)....The list is too big..
I called up few of my  friends.They are taking formal dresses..pants,shirts (Parishkaarikal)..
I got those too..(Acha...pant pant !:-P).We should't be behind anyone ryt?! My shopping
 was sooooo small that I end up having four heavy bags!

As the date was getting closer,I realised that I am getting anxious about it..Relatives,
no comments there, came home to bid goodbye (good riddance!).I got a lot of
 money  from them which later I wish I hadn't..! Said goodbye to God's own country.
I,then had no idea that, this, was gonna be the most unforgettable experience of 
my life..the experience that made me laugh like mad,cry like anything.......
...To be continued.....

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